Achieve your warrior potential…

…get strong, build muscle, get warrior fit!

The Warrior Fitness Training Program

Traditional kung fu training and practice will help you get into pretty good shape.

However, if you want to get in the shape of the modern day warrior, you need to employ modern day fitness principles.

The Practical Kung Fu Warrior Fitness Training Program includes the following:

  • A complete Strength Training Program to help you get as strong as possible (requires access to full gym, barbells, power rack, etc)
  • Cardio conditioning foundation to build up your base cardiovascular conditioning
  • Stretching Guide
  • Diet and Nutrition Guide
  • Advanced Warrior Training to get you in the best shape of your life

The Warrior Fitness Training Program is delivered through a set of pdf files and video content that will provide you with all the information you need to achieve your fitness potential.

Your Investment

The Practical Kung Fu Warrior Fitness Training Program is available for a small investment of $197.

To get started, just click on the Paypal Button to the right, and you’ll have access on the Members Area page in minutes.