When most people get into a fight (which they likely should’ve avoided in the first place), they tend to throw fists.

The problem with that is most people have no clue how to throw a proper punch, and end up injuring themselves.

That could be a massive problem if you are dealing with real, life threatening street violence.  The last thing you need is to break a hand or wrist so that you have to fight with one hand.

In the world of combatives and real life self-defense, we instead prefer to rely on these three striking tools…

  • Palm heel strike
  • Hammerfist
  • Rounded Elbow strike

When dealing with a criminal assault empty handed, the primary goal is to escape the situation.  If that is not possible, you need to incapacitate your assailant.

One way to do that is to knock them out.  But, you don’t need to throw fists to do that.

These three strikes are quite effective at shaking the brain, which is how you knock someone out.  In the videos below, I describe how to deploy each technique.

The best way to train these is at home is on a heavy bag.  I recommend this Everlast bag you can find on Amazon.