The hammerfist will be one of the most important tools in your toolbox as you learn how to fight and deal with real street violence.

The hammerfist is one of the preferred striking tools because it can be thrown with significant force without worrying about damage to your own hand.

When you form a fist, the hammerfist is employed by striking with the bottom of the fist.  This is the area on the edge of your hand between your pinky and wrist.

When you form a fast, that area produces a cushion of muscle that can take quite a bit of punishment.

The hammerfist can be thrown off your back foot or off your lead foot.  I demonstrate both in the video below, after I demonstrate traditional practice in the air from the horse stance.

The hammerfist is somewhat difficult to throw as a lead technique, and it can be difficult to throw without drawing the arm back first, which telegraphs the punch.

However, it is excellent as a follow up tool, and I’ll get into that down the road.

To learn the hammerfist, watch the video below.

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