Beginner Kung Fu Lesson 23 – Inside Crescent Kick
The inside crescent kick is a versatile kung fu kick that can be used to attack the legs, ribs and even [...]
The inside crescent kick is a versatile kung fu kick that can be used to attack the legs, ribs and even [...]
The roundhouse kick is a popular kick in martial arts, often seen in martial arts movies. While the movies show the [...]
One of the primary tools you will find in combatives training is the Front Knee Thrust. It is most effective for [...]
Welcome to Practical Kung Fu. I don't pretend to be an expert in Kung Fu, but I did train for a [...]
Another basic kung fu striking technique is the palm slap. It is also a commonly taught technique in the world of [...]
The last three basic kung fu stances we'll cover for now are the Cat Stance, Back Stance and Snake Stance. These [...]
Two of the best kung fu stances for training the legs as well as the hips are the Monkey Stance and [...]
The Horse Stance is our most basic Kung Fu stance, and it is employed throughout beginner training to build strength in [...]
Previously, I discussed blocking techniques for dealing with straight line punches. In the video below I look at kung fu blocks [...]
The side thrust kick is another basic kick students often learn when training in a traditional martial art, whether it is [...]