Two of the best kung fu stances for training the legs as well as the hips are the Monkey Stance and Twisted Stance.

Both of these stances are what I refer to as “transition” stances.

They are typically employed when moving from technique to technique within a form as you simulate a fight.

To get the most benefit from these stances, you want to hold them deeply.

When you train them consistently along with the Horse Stance, you will definitely develop stronger legs.

I will add, however, that to really develop strong legs, you will want to consider barbell training.

My Warrior Fitness Program will provide you with a detailed strength training program to help you get the most out of your Kung Fu training.

In the Monkey Stance, the shin of your trail leg should be parallel to the floor.

In the Twisted Stance, the leg which is bearing the least weight should also have the shin parallel to the floor.

When you start training these stances, hold them as deeply as possible for 15 seconds on each side.

Keep in mind, it is the forward shoulder that determines the direction name of the stance.

For instance, Left Monkey Stance will have the left shoulder forward, even though you are stepping to the right.

The same can be said for Left Twisted Stance.

In the video below, I demonstrate both stances.

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