I’m Scott Cole.

In 2000, I became a student of kung fu, and trained formally until 2008.

While I no longer trained formally, I retained much of the information I learned, particularly my open hand training.  Truth be told, I never found much use for training with ancient weapons that I could not carry down the street.

In 2019, I began my study of combatives with the thought of potentially pursuing a career in teaching self defense.

The Covid-19 Pandemic put that goal on hold.  However, now that society is generally moving on, I decided I would offer training within an informal setting.

Along the way, I thought I would also share my knowledge of kung fu, self defense and combatives through this website.

Practical Kung Fu was developed from several perspectives… a student of martial arts, a student of combatives, and from the perspective of a former serious athlete.

With the aches and pains that come with being close to 60 years old, I’ve realized that I must train with serious focus in a variety of ways.  This will give me the best chance at a high quality of life at an advanced age.

I’ve also recognized that our society is in a state of decline, and therefore, I must focus more on self protection as well.

This self protection is not only focused on dealing with potential criminal assault, but also on maintaining my health to avoid reliance on the pharmaceuticals that are constantly pushed on us everyday.

I’ve developed a curriculum that covers all of these bases, with a foundation rooted in Kung Fu, and I believe it will be of significant benefit to anyone.

While in person training is the best way to learn, the Practical Kung Fu program provides a substantial foundation of knowledge for anyone interested in training in the martial arts and self protection.

To learn more about what I offer here at Practical Kung Fu, head on over to the Start Here page.

Thanks for reading!

Scott Cole